Advanced Philosophical Foundations of Education
For many years, students and scholars have searched for a handy material and source of information on the rami?cations of courses done at the Postgraduate level in the field of Philosophy of Education. Hitherto, they had picked up these in bits and pieces from varied and sundry sources. The book Advanced Philosophical Foundations of Education ~ A Readings Book is an answer to that long drawn search. It is a compendium, which, to come to fruition, withnessed the collaborative efforts of scholars drawn from Universities across the Country.
The objective of this book is to present a handy, reference material to both teachers and students with burning interest in the field of philosophy of Education. No doubt, much of the contents in this volume will be seen consumable more by operators at the University level, Nevertheless, those at the Colleges of Education and Polytechnics will find the book no less appealing as the book takes the fortunate holder of a copy of it to the fonts, courses and state-of—the-art in our education culture and practice.
This volume of the book has seventeen chapters divided into six units, well written and deliberately focused covering such areas as logic and teaching, the historical, ethical and epistemological foundations of education.
Table of Contents
Unit 1
Logic and Contemporary issues in Education
Chapter 1: Logic – the classroom teacher s tool: forms and fallacies by Prof. Enemuo. P. C.
Chapter 2: The teaching Profession by Uyanga, U. D., Uchendu, c and val-ugboma k.
Unit 2
Schools of philosophical thought
Chapter 3: Tenets, perspectives and educational implications of idealism and realism by Nyorere O. lfeanyi.
Chapter 4: Major tenets of positivism. marxism, their education and others by Nyorere, O. Ifeanyi.
Chapter 5: The philosophical anchor of Nigerian education and the Nigerian open university paradigm Nyorere, O. Ifeanyi.
Unit 3
Ethics and Education
Chapter 6: Equality in Education: Basis and Rationale (An appraisal of the application of the Principle of Equality in education) by Asogwa, Tim. Emeka (Rev. Fr).
Chapter 7: Authority and education by Ibia Edet Ibia Ph. D.
Chapter 8: Punishment and discipline by Ibia Edet Ibia Ph.D.
Chapter 9: Equality in Education — a review by Maduabuchi, Raphael Olisa.
Unit 4
Epistemology and Education
Chapter 10: The three models of teaching-impression model, Insight model and the rule model by Uyanga, U. D.
Chapter 11: Ways of imparting knowledge by Uyanga, U. D.
Unit 5
Philosophical conceptions of teaching and learning
Chapter 12: What is it to learn? A Philosophical Discourse Leaming. Dr. Francis E. Ekanem.
Chapter 13: What is learning – anything to do with pupil consent. The relationship and difference between leaming and teaching by Rev. fr. Dr. G. C. Abiogu.
Unit 6
History of Educational Ideas
Chapter 14: Plato’s Postulates and influence on Educational Practice by Mbaji, Isaac N.
Chapter 15: Educational ideas of Quintilian and Cidero and practice of education by Mbaji, Isaac N.
Chapter 16: John Locke’s philosophy of education by Dr Francis Etim.
Chapter 17: Bertrand Russell and Education by Maduabuchi, Raphael Olisa.

Prof. Queendoleen Obinaju
Prof. Queendoleen Idongesit Obinaju is a long standing lecturer, researcher, consultant, editor and scholar. In particular, she has made impact in the development and education of children from conception up to early stages of secondary education. Her focus is Child Psychology and Early Childhood Education. She has been a consultant to several agencies and organizations such as UNICEF, USAID, CIVITAS, State and Federal Governments.
She is presently a Professor of Child Psychology & Early Childhood Education at Department of Early Childhood & Special Education,University of Uyo. She is a member of several professional bodies she is married with children.
Her personal Knowledgebase can be accessed via, where you’ll get to know more about this great scholar and access all her publications.
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