Introduction to Theatrical Design is no ordinary, usual book on the subject of design and designing for the theatre in which performances take place. The book is not the ordinary usual because it engages one’s attention at once with its conundrumic title – “An Introduction to : Theatrical Design” which is also equal to “Introduction to Theatre Designs” or “Designs for the Theatre”. With such’a “Mobius Strip” shiftable head/tail “design”, the book speaks to both the professional designer, and the general reader/amateur,“about -to-begin”, pupil designer.
On the face of it, for instance, one would think there are only thirty (30) illustrative figures. That is what the ‘beginner – eye’ may see. But for the professional, with ‘insight’, there are more minute distinctions that bring four ‘extras’ into Figure 14; eight into Figure 15; and another eight into Figure 16, meaning the keen-sighted professional will perceive and detect twenty, extra ‘figures’ which consolidate and ramify the dimensions in design so as to enrich theatre works for a conscientious artist and design concepts initiator. Within these, the author amplifies shapes, colours, lines, patterns, textures, and potential rhythms. Every major segment – “Design
Composition”, “Design Processes” and “Production Styles” is: broken down meticulously into sub-subjects that clarify and enrich the fare.
With such details, the author answers major questions about design as a concept; the nature of the design format, and the function altogether of design. On the whole, this is a book to read carefully, to be followed meticulously, to learn how to bring imagination and .
intelligence into play. The reward is the cool and warm colours of design that will change your view of theatrical designs. Enjoy this well structured, instructive, and well researched introductory. It is Okon Udofot Jacob’s season’s gift
Professor Kalu Uka
Dept of Theatre Arts
University of Uyo,
P.M.B. 1017,
Akwa Ibom State, 2011

Dr. Okon Udofot Jacob
Associate professor at The Department of Performing Arts, Akwa Ibom State University, Obio Akpa Campus,
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