Every product, has a manufacturer. Even in the world of today with all technological advancements. all products have manuals showing clearly, the harmonious patterns/functions. Once a product malfunctions, a quick check on the manufacturer’s manual is recommended. It is against this background that the author of this book, has labored discretely to put this precious book in our hands. I therefore believe that this book will consistently and proactively guide every marriage institution. Like Rev Simeon Afolabi (Revival Peoples Church now FirstLove Assembly) would often say, in this race of life, you will either be a coach, a player or a spectator. This book, therefore, will alter erroneously assimilated values and practices, that have consistently overheat the marriage and pave way for the outpouring of God’s original plan into your family, thereby ushering every willing and obedient hearts, an-all-round rest in marriage.
The Author has made it clear that marriage is a divine institution designed to make the world a Garden of Eden here on earth. It is designed to be enjoyed, not to be endured. The original concept and design of marriage is to align to the image of God for which man is created. To align to God’s shape and form! Manifesting His love and glory! Unfortunately, majority of humans in the world are completely oblivious of marriage creed. As it is often said, when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable. This has manifested in different kinds of ‘marriages’ that have no alignment to God’s plan and purpose about marriage. There are many misunderstanding, misinterpretations, misconceptions and misconstrued views about marriage leading to misalignment in marriages. All these ‘mises’ have caused havoc in marriages/families globally. Cases of divorce are very common and on the increase. Quarrels and nagging erupt easily, and in many cases, they have persisted leading to a couples becoming at best, “Flat Mates” or “Room Mates”. These are aberrations written by Prof Emeka Okereke, is novel attempt and compass, in a simple language, to address the above abnormalities ravaging marriages/families globally especially among Christians. The book explained the inseparability of marriage and family, even though handled in Two Parts for ease of understanding. Accordingly, Family precedes Marriage, which means that marriage institution grows into family, a true representative of the Church. The book gave insight into Marriage and how it is consummated particularly in Eastern part of Nigeria; Purpose, Characteristics and Types of Marriage with a view to clarifying what marriage is NOT. Family concept and structural setting/composition were treated in the second part of the book. This provided an opportunity to identify and know the roles/functions of each person in the family structure, starting from the Husband to other family members, particularly Servants/Helpers in line with Ephesians Chapters 5 & 6 with practical applicability. Sources of conflicts were identified as Money Matters, Balancing Your Marriage with Sex, Communication, Children,
Other Relations and Friends and their resolution strategies were handled in Chapter Twelve. Achieving and enjoying Financial Freedom are treated in Chapters Thirteen and Fourteen. The Author summarized the Book in General Introduction in these words “Balancing our marriages and families is a function of how spiritually, economically, emotionally and physically stable we are willing to drive the union according to the will of the New Testament, both in character and in learning. This is why | make bold to say that he has written this book with enormous insight, like Paul in the New Testament of the Bible, while keeping his life and marriage as an open book, helping many souls to be shown the old pathway. This book will, no doubt, reposition “sick” marriages and homes that are in darc need to be restructured and massively salvaged from ideas of men, traditions and practices that have not Just weakened but have ruined millions of marriages/families.
I encourage you to diligently peruse through this uncommon resource material. Determine to follow God’s wisdom neatly outlined in this book. joyfully and willfully, for obedience is key in actualizing the Divine order of marriage. Let him that thirsts come and study this book! It will grant you an admirable Eden-lifestyle, and make you an envy to your generation. A joyful home where true love, peace, trust, joy and Godliness reign. This paradigm shift holds the key to ushering in the Eden Spirit and structure as a new lifestyle.
I strongly recommend this book, BALANCING THE MARRIAGE/FAMILY EQUATION: 1+1=1, to every one who will one day be a Coach, and or a major Player. This book is equally a call not to be a mere spectator, so that we will not go back, one day, to our Maker empty handed but fulfilled, praising the Lord. HEAVEN AT LAST!

Professor Emeka J. Okereke
Professor Emeka J. Okereke is a distinguished faculty member in the Department of Finance and Banking at the renowned Faculty of Management Sciences at University of Port Harcourt. With extensive experience and expertise in the field of finance, Professor Emeka J. Okereke is a sought-after educator, researcher, and industry consultant. Professor Emeka J. Okereke earned his Ph.D. in Finance from [University/Institution], a globally recognized center of excellence for finance education and research. His doctoral studies focused on [specific area of finance], where he conducted extensive research and contributed to the advancement of financial knowledge. Prior to his doctoral degree, Professor Emeka J. Okereke completed his Master’s in Finance, equipping them with a solid foundation in financial theory and analysis. Visit for more detaails.
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