Critical Issues in Public Relations and Communication by Prof Des Wilson
Decree No. 15 of 1990 conveyed on the Nigerian institute of Public Relations (NIPR) a Chartered Status, to give the practice of public relations legal backing, like other professional bodies in Nigeria.
In part VI, sub-section 18, the Decree states that “the institute shall (a) provide and maintain a library comprising books and publications for the advancement of knowledge of Public Relations, and such other books and publications as the council may think necessary for the purpose; (b) encourage research into public relations and public relations methods and allied subjects to the extent that the council may, from time to time consider necessary”.
From the above perspective, one can easily explain the reason behind the Institute’s aggressive posture towards education, training and re-training of PR practitioners as well as other interested persons. This deliberate effort, is aimed at updating practitioners’ knowledge and skills to adequately build their capacities, to enable them remain relevant in this fast growing and changing world.
This book: Critical issues in Public Relations and Communication, is a compendium of the Akwa Ibom State chapter’s monthly lectures, delivered by our distinguished members during our first two years in office.
The chapter is indebted to all our past chairmen, their executive councils and the pioneers, who laboured to build IMAGE HOUSE, our secretariat this availing us the comfort of conducive offices within which to sit, think and contemplate the idea of a book such as this.
I recommend this book as a must read material to all PR practitioners, communications scholars, students and managers in all fields of endeavour.
Elder Obot B. Udoete (MNIPR)
Chairman, NIPR Akwa lbom State Chapter
July, 2012
Chapter One: Qualities and Qualifications of a Good Public Relations practitioner – by Nsikanabasi Nkana, MNIPR.
Chapter Two: Making a Career in Public Relations: Challenges and prospects – by Anietie Etteyit.
Chapter Three: Foregrounding Public Relations Practice in a Hostile Environment – by Ashong C. Ashong.
Chapter Four: Print Media and the Practice of Public Relations – by Etim Anim.
Chapter Five: Branding, Rebranding – An exposition and case studies by Udeme Nana.
Chapter Six: Community Relations:Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility and Responsiveness of Government and Corporate Organizations – by Peter Esuh.
Chapter Seven: The Challenge of Electoral Credibility in Nigeria: The role of Public Relations and Criminalization – by Aniekan Brown.
Chapter Eight: The Infrastructure Perspective of the New Media and Communication Education in Nigeria – by Akpandem James.
Chapter Nine: Communications Audit By Anietie Ukpe.
Chapter Ten: Can investigative Journalism be used to promote national development? by Nnamso Umoren.
Chapter Eleven: The Nigerian Third Term Project: a Public relations Practitioner’s Phantasm by Des Wilson.
This Book can also be purchased in Chapters. Click here to select the choice Chapters.
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