Early Child Care and Education for Universities and Colleges of Education
Early Childhood Education is a diverse and very rich field in Education. As a field, it encompasses the care, development and Education of young children. It is a foundation for lifelong learning and stresses integration of approaches combines Psychosocial care, early learning and protection as well as health and nutrition. This explains why -this book is titled Early Child Care and Education for Universities. and Colleges of Education.
The objective of this hook is to wrap-up the diverse knowledge in Early Childhood Education, in a manner that presents sufficient material for students in the Colleges of Education and Universities and at the same time stimulates interest of research students” in Childhood Education. The contributors also hope that other readers, especially those in the business of bringing up and guiding the development of young people, will find in the hook sufficientmaterial to help them in the very important task of fostering the optimal development of the society‘s most precious resource-the children.
The book is arranged in fifteen chapters professionally crafted to cover broad but significant areas of current concern in the field of Early Childhood Education.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Early Childhood Care, Development and Education.
Chapter 2: Child Development
Chapter 3: Child health, nutrition, growth and Survival
Chapter 4: Early Childhood Education Curriculum and methods
Chapter 5: Administration and supervision of Early Childcare Education in Nigeria
Chapter 6: Emotional development of children through music, dance, creative arts and Literature
Chapter 7: Basic communication skills
Chapter 8: Assessment and evaluation in Early Childhood Education
Chapter 9: Teaching science, technology andmathematics in Early Childhood Education
Chapter 10: The home, the child and the Environment
Chapter 11: Functional practicum in Educational practice
Chapter 12: Children with special Educational Needs
Chapter 13: Contemporary issues in Early Childhood care and Education
Chapter 14: Production of instructional materials for Early Childcare and Education: The teachers role in initiating entrepreneurial opportunities
Chapter 15: Play and the Child’s leaming: Play ground and equipments

Prof. Queendoleen Obinaju
Prof. Queendoleen Idongesit Obinaju is a long standing lecturer, researcher, consultant, editor and scholar. In particular, she has made impact in the development and education of children from conception up to early stages of secondary education. Her focus is Child Psychology and Early Childhood Education. She has been a consultant to several agencies and organizations such as UNICEF, USAID, CIVITAS, State and Federal Governments.
She is presently a Professor of Child Psychology & Early Childhood Education at Department of Early Childhood & Special Education,University of Uyo. She is a member of several professional bodies she is married with children.
Her personal Knowledgebase can be accessed via www.queendoleenobinaju.com.ng, where you’ll get to know more about this great scholar and access all her publications.
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