ICT Resource Management and Girl-child Access To Education In An African State by Ime E. Emah, Eno Etudor-Eyo, & Theresa Udofia
This study examined the relationship between the management of ICT resources and girl—child access to education. In order to achieve this purpose, three research questions and one hypothesis were formulated to guide the study. Survey data were obtained from 156 school age girls in Akwa Ibom State using Ji1noh’s and Mohammed’s (2014) modified instruments: ICT Resources Management Questionnaire (ICTRMQ) and Girl—Chi1d Access to Education
Questionnaire (GCAEQ) respectively. The face validity of the instruments was ascertained by the researchers and the reliability coefficients of 0.76 and .82 obtained. The data obtained were analysed using, descriptive statistics, Pearson’s product moment correlation and t-test statistical tools. The result yielded a significant relationship between the management of ICT resources and girl-child access to education. The extent of ICT Resources Management was on the average. The extent of girl-child access to education was equally on
the average. Based on the findings, conclusion was derived and recommendations made that the government should provide the girl—child, their teachers and their schools with adequate ICT resources. The government should
also supervise the school based management of the ICT resources.
Keywords: Management, ICT resources, Girl-child, Access to education, African State
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