Issues in Theatre Practice: An Introduction
It is a truism that “Theatre Practice’ is an interesting but arduous profession. Both the new entrants into the profession and others require some basic knowledge to thrive. They need to be given proper orientation and introduction to the relevant aspects of the profession both in practice and theory. This ig necessitated from the knowledge of the fact that a successful theatrical performance requires intensive rehearsals, meetings and other related preparations by all the concerned Personnel of the theatre.
Therefore, this book, entitled Issues in Theatre Practice: An Introduction, is an answered prayer with regard to the dearth of materials of African origin on the rudiments of theatre practice as it examines the fundamental information and issues on our chosen career, using examples within our immediate environment for illustrations. It is therefore a vital compendium needed as a companion for this 21* Century theatre practice, Any oversight found in this first edition would be taken into consideration in the next edition.

Dr. Okon Udofot Jacob
Associate professor at The Department of Performing Arts, Akwa Ibom State University, Obio Akpa Campus,
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