Life and Academic Reflections of Professor Queen Idongesit Obinaju
The book, Life and Academic Reflections of Professor Queen ldongesit Obinaju came about as a result of our interactions with Prof. Queen Obinaju both as students and as junior colleagues. During this period, We have realized that she is a very versatile scholar who started presenting papers on different issues to varying audience as far back as the 1980s. The issues of her focus cover almost all aspects of life of the child, adolescent, women and the society in which they live. The important messages and lessons in these articles remain inaccessible to a large population of the target audience due mainly to the fact that the papers are not published. These key issues to our minds could touch lives and light the path of the youths especially in this critical period of our history where the young minds need proper guidance in order not to be consumed by explosion of all sorts of information.
As Queen is warming up to present her inaugural lecture, we thought it wise to gather these articles together in one volume so that its valuable and rich content can be savoured by her students, associates and colleagues who would be pleased to access her academic prowess over the period. This again can serve as inspiration to others.
The book comprises two main sections: A & B. section A presents a brief biography of Prof. Queen Obinaju and how she is perceived by colleagues, friends, family and students. The interview reveals that she is a great and admirable woman who has stood her grounds in a male dominated environment and through sheer hard work climbed to the apex of her profession. This part is concluded with a brief response from Professor herself.
Section B comprises 41 papers further arranged into four broad areas according to their focus. Section B(i) contains 12 papers on Early Childhood Education. The papers address the conception, preparationand the need for Early Child Care Programme in the formal public education sector.
Section B(ii) has 10 papers on Child and Adolescent Development. Here, the meaning, characteristics and challenges facing this group of individuals were examined; how they can successfully utilize their rights without future regrets and discharge their responsibmties to the society were all addressed.
Section B(m) discusses Women Development in 8 papers starting from the traditional roles and duties of the woman to the contemporary
conception of the woman and her added responsibilities of winning bread for the family. Good education, the papers noted, would help women shoulder their responsibilities effectively. Also, networking through women organizations can imbue them with the necessary skills to fight for their rights as equal citizens of God’s universe.
Section B(iv) comprises 10 papers on educational and societal issues in development. The papers here examine the right conduct of behaviour which children, adolescents and women and by extension men must exhibit whether at home, school and the society in their daily lives so that they can leave behind a worthy legacy for others to emulate.
We recommend that you pick a copy of Life and Academic Reflections of Professor Queen Idongesit Obinaju and learn for yourself what this great woman achiever stands for on issues of Childhood and women education in contemporary Nigeria.
Alice E. Udosen
Dominic E. Okon
lnibehe E. Ekanem
22nd April, 2010
Section A
- A Biography of Prof. Queendoleen Obinaju
Section B(i)
- Early Childhood Education
- 1. Principles of Reflective Thinking in Children 3 — 5 Years
- 2. Parental Conceptions of Early Childhood Education in a Deveioping Community
- 3. Pre-primary/Primaiy Education in the Context of UBE: Challenges of Implementation
- 4. Demands and Requirements for Opening Pre-prirnary/Primary Institutions
- 5. Early Childhood Education in Nigeria of the 21st Century
- 6. Voluntary Agencies as Partners in the Child Care Trust Project
- 7. The Perception of their Profession by University Graduates in Pre-primary and Primary Education: A Case Study of Akwa Ibom State
- 8. The Philosophy, Objectives and Importance of Early Child Care (ECC) Programme
- 9. Language Arts in the Nursery School Reading and Writing
- 10. The Essence of Instructional Materials in Early Childhood Education
- 11. Skills in Pre—primary Education
- 12. Improving Early Childhood Education for the New Century
Section B(ii)
- Child and Adolescent Development
- 13. Childhood: A One Time Gift
- 14. Forced Labour and Slavery
- 15. Socio-Psychological Foundations to Child Right Act and the Responsibilities of the Child to the Society under the Act
- 16. Gender and Child Rights Protection
- 17. Adolescence, HIV/AIDS and Education
- 18. Peer Group Influence
- 19. Equipping the 21st Century Girl Child
- 20. Child Hawking and the Society: The Role of Parents
- 21. Leadership and Hard Work: A Sure Way of Leaving Footprints in the Sands of Time
- 22. Inferiority Complex: The Monster Threatening Youth Development in Akwa Ibom State
Section B(iii)
- Women Development
- 23. Women, Duty and Personal Development
- 24. Barriers to Women in Righteousness
- 25. The Bane of Widows in Nigeria
- 26. The Role of Women in the Development of Abak L. G. A.
- 27. Women Organizations as Pressure Group in Democracy
- 28. The Role of the Contemporary Nigerian Woman in Family and Society

Prof. Queendoleen Obinaju
Prof. Queendoleen Idongesit Obinaju is a long standing lecturer, researcher, consultant, editor and scholar. In particular, she has made impact in the development and education of children from conception up to early stages of secondary education. Her focus is Child Psychology and Early Childhood Education. She has been a consultant to several agencies and organizations such as UNICEF, USAID, CIVITAS, State and Federal Governments.
She is presently a Professor of Child Psychology & Early Childhood Education at Department of Early Childhood & Special Education,University of Uyo. She is a member of several professional bodies she is married with children.
Her personal Knowledgebase can be accessed via, where you’ll get to know more about this great scholar and access all her publications.
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