Political Soldiering – the theory of Military in Politics and Governance
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Theoretical Background
Theory of Human nature
The nature of the military
The development ofmilitary” Praetorian Guard*
The military establishment
The military in Africa
The Soldier
The Problem
The approach ofthe book
Chapter 2: Theories of Militarism
The warrior Tradition in Africa
Chapter 3: Military Organization and Objectives
Organizational Theory and military groupings
Chapter 4: The Military Virtues
Chapter 5: Typologies of Military Regimes
Guardianship, Reformist, Radical Dual
Direct and Indirect, Ruler-types
A case History: Egyptian military background
Chapter 6: Civil-Military Relations (CMR)
Civil military Discourse
Agency (Concordance) Theory
The Federalist Papers
Traditional -Aristocratic, Democratic-Liberal
Developmental, Totalitarian, Fascist and Socialist models
Chapter 7: The Military and the Political Process
Soldiers as Modemizers
Development Agent
Chapter 8:The military and Governance Process
Why do mllllary Stage Coup (Ecological Societal and other factors) Forms of intervention, Typologics interventions.
Intervention at the level ofinfluence, Pressure and Blackmail
Stage of displacement, Point of Supplantment, Military background and intervention : Nigeria, Political Sociology of January 1966 Coup.
Chapter 9: Political Culture and Military lntervention
Country of low, Minimal and developed political Culture.
Nigeria: Case study.
Chapter 10 The Military and Development in the state
General character of the state
Military Political development.
Economic Planning/development.
Economic growth. The other side of military
Development in Nigeria. Military development:
Peru Corporate interest
Chapter 11:The Military: Disengagement
The format of withdrawal: military to barracks-models
Developmental militia, countervailing measures,
Extemal, civil-military Diarchy, peripheral
Chapter 12: Civilian -Military Supremacy
The Practice, Divine rights of the kings
Bourgeoise revolution
Problems of the application of the principles
Chapter 13 The Military and Social Revolution
The Military and Social Revolution
Conceptions of revolution.
The Sociology of revolution
The common denominators
Relative Deprivation
The motive force of political violence
Chapter 14: Good Governance and military Interference
The current practice in Africa
Elements of good govemance
Chapter 15 Military in Governance: Issues
The role oftlie military in normal political process
Military governance: the challenges.
MOOTW and military Dances in Nigeria
Since the Egyptian military imploded into the political arena in 1958, the phenomenon has infected politics in Africa as a virus. On the global scale, the practorian guards were known to have influenced the choice of the head of govemment beyond the protection ofthe King. Since then, the military had been visible and invisible in the politics of both developing and advanced societies. This has been explained in this book with a very rich content.
The Book ‘Political Soldiering-the theory of Military in Politics and Governance‘ is a commendable endeavor by the author, Dr. E. O. Frank. l am delighted to foreword this book to its wide audience because I trust that the author has done justice in the fifteen chapters‘ literature as outlined in the content page.
It was because of the trust in his ability in dealing with the subject matter, which I as his then Head of Department, assigned the course to him to handle in the 2008/2009 session. l was satisfied with the feedback I got from the students on his capacity and analytical ability. He had brought this to bear in this textbook.
The book treated cogent issues in the subject area and related it to contemporary issues of the military organization in the society and good governance. The capacity of the author, to draw this particular idea of the subject through fifteen chapters is laudable. The students of this subject are fortunate While the politicians have a reference guideline and the military establishment have a scholar who though he is not an army officer, is however an intellectual soldier, without an instrument of violence but a pen.
I enjoin everyone to pick a copy and understand the politics of the military in the governance arena, and define how to navigate in governance in a way to ensure that the military remain apolitical, through good governance
Professor Godwin T. Umoette
Dept of Political Science/Public Admin.
University of Uyo

Dr. Etim Frank
Etim Okon Frank is an articulate scholar of Political Science and Public Administration who has added value to several institutions till he joined University of Uyo in 2008.
His ardent personality has made him a choice candidate for several responsibilities within and outside the University some of which includes Acting-Director Clement Isong Centre for Development Studies, Member, Akwa Ibom Advisory Committee(AIPAC) Niger Delta Dialogue, External Examiner, Department of Public Administration, University of Calabar etc.
He is a member of some high profile professional bodies like Nigerian Institute of Personnel Management, Chartered Institute of Public Diplomacy and Management etc.
His passion for Political and Administrative theories has given birth to several researches published as books, monographs, journal articles, book chapters and conference papers. Majority are open access on his virtual space at www.etimfrank.com.ng.
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