Public Administration: Theories and Practices – A text for African University Students (1st Edition)
Chapter 1: Introduction
Public Administration: A Process
Public Administration: Nigeria
Schematic Representation
Public Policy
Essence of Administrative Theories
Social Organization
Typologies of Organization
Functions of Public Administration
Colonial Administration: Functions
Modern Functions
Praxis of Administration
Administrative Culture
Chapter 2: Theories of Public Administration
Nature and Scope
Organizational Theory
Administrative Theory
Classical-Scienti?c Theory
Neo-Classical View
The Management/Administrative School
Rational Comprehensive Theory
Disjointed Incrementalism
Motivation Theory
Public Administration: Africa Pre-Colonial
Administrative Processes
Benin Kingdom (Public Administration)
Administrative Theory: Africa Pre-colonial
Chapter 3: Public Enterprises in Nigeria
Public Enterprises
Rationale for Public Enterprise
Types of Management Boards
Problems of Public Enterprises
Chapter 4: Human Resources Management
Personnel Selection
Manpower Planning
Manpower Planning and Public Service
Problem of Manpower Planning: Nigeria
Chapter 5: Local Government Administration
Local Administration: Rationale
Theory of Counsellorship
Urban Administration
Problems of Local Govemment
Chapter 6 Administrative Evaluation Social Indicators
Social Indicators
Baseline Data
Utility of Social Indicators
Administrative Evaluation: Resistance
Types of Social indicators
Chapter 7 Comparative Public Administration
The Essence
The Growth of Comparative Public Administration
Contending Issues
Chapter 8: Pedagogy of Public Administration
Interdisciplinary nature
Pedagogy structures
Chapter 9: Training and Parkinson s Law
Forms of Training
Parkinson‘s Law
Parkinson’s Law: Nigeria
Problems of the Civil Service
Fundamental of Training
Chagter 10: Public Finance and Budget
The Concept of Finance
Sources of Finance
Component of a Budget
Expenditure Budget
Reasons for studying Budgets
Theories of Budgeting
Fiscal Policy
The work, Public Administration: Theories and Practices, a text for African University Students, is one which takes both the under-and- postgraduate students through the highway of PublicAdministration study. It stops at almost every ‘bustop’ to analyze and illustrate the relevance of the theme to the course.
Interestingly, it introduced the element of Public Administration in Africa pre-colonial, which need further research work. This goes to dispel the Eurocentric view that ‘Africans had no history other than such history as centered on the activities of the European invaders’. By then methodological approach of the book, the author has raised issues for further researches, for students and practitioners of Public Administration.
The book is written in very clear and simple language which make it a good companion for both students and practitioners of public sector management It. It is recommended to all for there are many issues raised herein which I cannot comment on for lack of space. Pick it up and read with understanding and expand the novel issue of Public Administration in Africa pre-colonial.
Dr. Eyo B. Effiom
Minislry of Local Govermnent,
Cross River State
This book, ‘Public Administration: Theories and Practices for African Universities‘ has been written to ?ll the intellectual lacuna which exist for students who need a guide to what constitute the study of public Administration. To the practitioners, many have joined the service and have risen to the top of their career within the civil service, without being able to neither know nor explain why they did the things they participated in doing.
This text therefore introduces the readers to the substance, principles and practices of public administration. It situates public administration within the general social system, and illustrates the interrelatedness with other disciplines respectively. This explains its complex nature and the borrowing of many of its theories from other disciplines.
It takes readers on an excursion of almost the entire continuum of the discipline and introduces the elements of public administration in Africa pre-colonial. This is a novel concept accessible only in this text. Other facets of the discpline which would agitate the minds of the readers into further reading and research are introduced. It introduces guidelines for the pedagogy of agl he the public administration in view of its interdisciplinary nature.
It is hoped that this textbook would at a glance provide the reader with the scope of public administration to be studied at various levels of academic Pursuit, and at the end provide a better understanding of the requirments needed for effective public service delivery to the society.

Dr. Etim Frank
Etim Okon Frank is an articulate scholar of Political Science and Public Administration who has added value to several institutions till he joined University of Uyo in 2008.
His ardent personality has made him a choice candidate for several responsibilities within and outside the University some of which includes Acting-Director Clement Isong Centre for Development Studies, Member, Akwa Ibom Advisory Committee(AIPAC) Niger Delta Dialogue, External Examiner, Department of Public Administration, University of Calabar etc.
He is a member of some high profile professional bodies like Nigerian Institute of Personnel Management, Chartered Institute of Public Diplomacy and Management etc.
His passion for Political and Administrative theories has given birth to several researches published as books, monographs, journal articles, book chapters and conference papers. Majority are open access on his virtual space at
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