Publishing and Provision of Learning Resources for Universal Basic Education by Uduak U. Enang & Henry Itohowo Okon
Publishing has played and will continue to play an important role in education. Education, the world over, Nigeria inclusive, has long assumed a predominant position in national development. The ever changing process of learning has spurred the necessity for change in educational policies which include progression of the Universal
Primary Education that started in the Western part of the country to Universal Basic Education (UBE) to give educational opportunity to every Nigerian child. The need to educate all citizenry of Nigeria enhanced publishing activities especially educational publishing in the country. Educational publishing gained momentum with the design of syllabi for schools and the actual production of local needs. In order to fully implement
the aims and objectives of UBE and also ensure a wide coverage of content, a number of publicity materials were produced and published. This in turn brought about the enhancement in publishing materials for the schools. This work traces the evolution of Universal Basic Education and looks at how UBE promotes educational publishing and
now publishing enhanced the realization of the aims of UBE in Nigeria.
KEY WORDS: Universal Basic Education, Publishing, Learning Resources.
Prof Comfort Ekpo
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