Social Studies: Technologies, methods and media by Inyang-Abia, M. E. & Esu, A. E. O.
Port Harcourt: Double Diamond Publications(2004)
The initial euphoria innovations in Nigeria usually get dampened as a result of insufficient preparation, irrelevant settings and inadequate resources “including text-books. Yet such well—intentioned innovations often focus on meeting some felt needs of the society such as improved productivity, work habit and maintenance culture. Such is the position facing Social Studies teaching and learning within the Nigerian formal educational System.
Social Studies: Technology, methods and media is a book designed to meet the expanding demand for well-structured, properly documented and modern-oriented text for practising teachers and student-teachers. Teacher trainers and their trainees at all levels of teacher preparation programmes can benefit from the rich contents of the book. Students and teachers in Faculties and Schools of Education and Social Sciences in Nigerian Universities, Institutes of Education, Colleges of Education, Polytechnics and‘ the Distance Education students of the Nigerian Teachers Institute (NTI) can benefit immensely. The book is an impeccable asset.
From many years of research effort, teaching experience and contact with serving teachers this work derives its strength. Based on problem-solving approach as currently emphasized for the subject area the book expertly puts together the essential contents. The pre-specified behavioural objectives provide a set induction and a study guide for each chapter. The theoretical backing to the subject area is astutely covered in chapters one to three. The other chapters focus on practical aspects of Social Studies. Instructional techniques including brainstorming, devil’s advocate, discussion, the story line and instrucnonal media extensively discussed in the text are very illuminating. Shrewd treatment of the exemplars in some chapters, the elaborate references and the index are useful aids to effective use of the text. Any serious teacher and student who is desirous of self improvement and professional growth will find the text an essential companion.
Prof. (Mrs.) A. E. O. Esu & Prof. M. E. Inyang-Abia
Faculty of Education
University of Calabar
Calabar – Nigeria.
September, 2004
1.1 Chapter Objectives
1.2 Social Studies: An innovative concept
1.3 Conditions for Social Social Studies and the National Policy on Education
1.4 Social Studies and the National Policy on Education
1.5 The purpose of teaching Social Studies
1.6 Chapter Summary
1.7 Questions for discussion
Definition and focus of Social Studies
2.1 Chapter Objectives
2.2 What is Social Studies
2.3 Focus of Social Studies
2.4 Chapter summary
2.5 Questions for discussion
Historical development of Social Studies
3.1 Chapter Objectives
3.2 The origin and arrival of Social Studies in Africa
3.3 Some developments in Nigeria
3.4 Outcome of the 1969 National Curriculum Conference
3.6 Chapter summary
3.7 Questions for discussion
The Power and Purpose of Instructional Objectives in Social Studies
4.1 Chapter objectives
4.2 Instructional objectives
4.3 Sources of instructional objectives
4.4 Kinds of instructional objectives
4.5 Preparation of behavioural objectives
4.6 Purpose and importance of objectives
4.7 Chapter summary
4.8 Questions for discussion
Instructional materials and technology
5.1 Chapter objectives
5.2 Background information
5.3 Principles for selecting instructional materials
5.4 Utilization principles for instructional materials
5.5 Types of instructional materials: The Prints
5.6 The visuals
5.7 The audios
5.8 Audiovisuals
5.9 Phenomenals
5.10 Manipulatives
5.11 Chapter summary
5.12 Questions for discussion
Presentation skills and techniques
6.1 Chapter objectives
6.2 The principles of “best fit” and multi-strategic approach
6.3 Advanced organizer
6.4 Stimulus variation
6.5 Set induction
6.6 Attention compelling techniques
6.7 Reinforcement
6.8 Chapter summary
6.9 Questions for discussion
Instructional methods
7.1 Chapter objectives
7.2 What is instructional methods
7.3 Mass instructional method
7.4 Individualized Instructional technique
7.5 Chapter summary
7.6 Questions for discussion
Brainstorming: The creativity focused and problem solving method
8.1 Chapter objectives
8.2 Some values of creativity and problem-solving abilities
8.3 Brainstorming: Definition and origin
8.4 Procedure for brainstorming
8.5 Merits of brainstorming
8.6 Demerits of brainstorming
8.7 Special note
8.8 Chapter summary
8.9 Questions for discussion
Group-focused methods and materials
9.1 Chapter Objectives
9.2 Valuable group skills
9.3 General features of group focused methods
9.4 Chapter summary
9.5 Questions for discussion
The sociometric techniques
10.1 Chapter objectives
10.2 Sociometric technique
10.3 Historical background of sociometric technique
10.4 Rationale for sociometric technique
10.5 Procedure for sociometric technique
10.6 Some practical examples
10.7 Merits and limitations of the sociometric technique
10.8 Chapter summary
10.9 Questions for discussion
Discussion method
11.1 Chapter Objectives
11.2 Definition
11.3 Types of discussion
11.4 Values of discussion
11.5 Pedagogic implications of discussion
11.6 Activities and roles in leading discussion
11.7 Closure
11.8 Chapter summary
11.9 Questions of discussion
Questioning skills and techniques
12.1 Chapter objectives
12.2 What is questioning?
12.3 Pedagogic implications of questioning
12.4 Rationale for classroom questioning
12.5 Bloom taxonomy and levels of cognitive questions
12.6 Probing questions
12.7 Chapter summary
12.8 Questions for discussion
Evaluation in Social Studies
13.1 Chapter objectives
13.2 Towards a definition of evaluation
13.3 Types of evaluation
13.4 Measurement and evaluation
13.5 Assessment instruments and techniques
13.6 Observation techniques
13.7 Manipulated situated technique
13.8 Anecdotal records
13.9 Rating scale
13.10 Checklist
13.11 Interview technique
13.12 Sociometric technique
13.13 Questionnaires
13.14 Problems associated with evaluation of the affective
13.15 Chapter summary
13.16 Questions for discussion

Prof Moses Inyangabia
INYANG-ABIA, Moses, is a Professor of Curriculum Technologies and Environmental Education, Faculty of Education, University of Calabar. He holds a PhD (UNICAL: Curri Tech – 2000); CFS (Strathclyde: Environmental Edu -1990); MA (UNIFE: EduTech -1984); BA (UNICAL: Edu/Geo -1980). He was Director, Institute of Education ( 2006 – 2007); Provost,). Current research focus includes Integration of New Instructional Technologies and Grassroots Climate Change Mitigation Strategies.
His last two national outings were Lead Presentations at the Nigeria’s Centenary Celebration organized by NEST at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, September 24-25, 2014; and the Broad-based Multi-Sector National Education Summit organized at Abuja, Nigeria, by Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) in collaboration with other Campus Unions and Civil Society Groups, 27-31 October, 2014.
Professor Inyang-Abia has travelled extensively, having been to all states of the federation and three continents of the world. He is, by the Grace of God, a Christian to the core. He is happily married to a Princess, Dr. (Mrs.) Eme Inyangabia. They are blessed with many children, in-laws and grandchildren. His major hobbies include reading, writing, conservation activities, religious activities and table tennis. He is a silent achiever
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