The Nigerian Child: His Education in a Sociological and Psychological Environment
Understanding the child is the foremost requirement for the education of the child. Sociologists as well as psychologists agree that the human being, including the child, is a complex being each looking at the human formation and presentation in a different perspective. They dissipate their energy trying to make the human being understood, by trying to anticipate and predict common human reactions in social and psychological settings. Those who would have need for such understanding merely refer to sociological and psychological blueprints.
The Nigerian child is a product of many circumstances. His circumstance of birth, child rearing approach, culture and even the changing society impact differently on him. There is need therefore to exposing these convening variables to present a wholesome view of the Nigerian child so that those saddled with the responsibility of educating him would be able to understand him.’ It is only after he has been understood that meaningful intervention can be planned for him. Even in Adult Education, a childhood experience is of paramount importance. This book, the Nigeria Child: His Education in a Sociological Environment packages the different in?uences on the Nigerian child. lt exposes him in terms of his personal and cultural background, formal and informal attempts targeted at his education, as well as contemporary changes, which would alfect him in his developmental processes.
This the editor does believing that all concerned with education necessarily niéed to understand his pupil i’ subject. Understanding the Nigerian child would therefore form a basis for effective and functional education in Nigeria. All teachers (in Primary, Secondary and tertiary institutions), educational administrators and researchers would require this book as a starting point of their di?’erent endeavors.
Table of Contents
1. Definition and scope of Education
2. The Nigerian Society
3. The Nigerian Child’s background
4. Development trends of the Nigerian child
5. The socialization of the child
6. The social development of Nigerian child
7. The child and the Nigerian traditional beliefs
8. The Nigerian society and the right ofthe child issues and concern
9. Disseminating information to the Nigerian child
10. Reflectivity and creativity on the Nigerian child
11. The Nigerian child in the changing society
12. Educational opportunities of the Nigerian child
13. The exceptional child in the Nigerian society

Prof. Queendoleen Obinaju
Prof. Queendoleen Idongesit Obinaju is a long standing lecturer, researcher, consultant, editor and scholar. In particular, she has made impact in the development and education of children from conception up to early stages of secondary education. Her focus is Child Psychology and Early Childhood Education. She has been a consultant to several agencies and organizations such as UNICEF, USAID, CIVITAS, State and Federal Governments.
She is presently a Professor of Child Psychology & Early Childhood Education at Department of Early Childhood & Special Education,University of Uyo. She is a member of several professional bodies she is married with children.
Her personal Knowledgebase can be accessed via, where you’ll get to know more about this great scholar and access all her publications.
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